CBD Blog

We blog about news in the cannabis industry, new product introductions and what the team at CBD by British Cannabis is up to.

Cannabis Oil Drug Classification UK

Exploring Cannabis Oil’s Drug Category

In recent years, the conversation around cannabis oil and its legal standing has taken centre stage in the United Kingdom. As public interest and the medical community’s recognition of cannabis-based

Does CBD Capsules Expire

Understanding the Lifespan of CBD Capsules

Introduction With CBD capsules becoming a staple in wellness routines, it’s important to ask: does CBD capsules expire? This article addresses the shelf life of CBD capsules, guiding you on

Can CBD Oil Help IBS

Can CBD Oil Ease IBS Symptoms? A Deep Dive

Introduction Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a complex condition that can significantly disrupt daily life. Characterized by symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating, and irregular bowel


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