The MHRA has Not Banned CBD or Canabidol™ Products, find out why……


You may have been made aware of a statement that has been circulated by the media, that the MHRA has made regarding Cannabidiol (CBD) and that CBD will be classed as a medicine from November. The Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) apparent decision to designate Cannabidiol (CBD) as a medicine and impose a […] now accepts payments with Amazon

Amazon payments

Amazon Pay Canabidol™ has always been dedicated to providing the best customer service to each of its customers. Today, we continue to look for new ways to serve the customer on our website, on the phone, and in person. We are happy to announce the latest customer service enhancement on Amazon Payments. Amazon Payments is a […]

Facebook is waging an illegal war on CBD Oil

canabidol facebook

UPDATE 07/08/2016 Facebook have still not restored our page, given us any options to comunicate with our 5000 followers or even responded to us concerning this matter. have however writen a good article regarding this matter which highlights how Facebook could be in breach or UK and European law. We have included this article […]

Canabidol Brand Ambassador Program – We need your help..

Brand Ambassador 1

Canabidol are on the verge of launching our Brand Ambassador Program. We have an exclusive opportunity for a small number of passionate users, which would like to join our beta testing group prior to the full launch later this year. Why become a Brand Ambassador, you ask?Simple! As a Brand Ambassador you will receive a […]

New Product Launch of Legal CBD Cannabis Oil Supplements

cannabis oil products

Canabidol has just launched its first CBD product, a CBD oil gel tab, which has enabled them to generate their first revenues just in time for 2016. Cannabis is being legalized throughout the United States thanks to its many scientifically verified health benefits. Meanwhile in the UK, the drug is still considered dangerous because of […]

Canabidol UK Direct Sales Channel Goes LIVE!


We are please to announce that we are now taking orders on our online store. In addition to our products being available on Amazon and eBay, you can now get them direct from the Canabidol web store. Delivery by Amazon: We utilise Amazons delivery network to provide our customers with the benefits of same day […]

TrustCanna – The Global Standard in Consumer Cannabis Products

TrustCanna Blog Feature Image 01

Introducing the sensible way forward for the consumer cannabis industry. Industry concerns around compliancy, safety and misrepresentation are widespread. You may be aware of the most recent report by the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis that tested 30 CBD products in the UK. This has attracted considerable attention across the industry and the national media. It […]