CBD Blog

Canabidol™ Diaries…The Pharmacy Show


Along with talks from pharmacy experts and key opinion leaders, including one of our clients Stephen Dickson from Dickson’s Chemist. Stephen will be discussing the legal and ethical developments in the pharmacy sector, proposing a strategy for pharmacy to be compliant as well as promoting sales of CBD.

New and existing suppliers and policy makers will all be attending to promote the latest developments in the pharmaceutical field. The Pharmacy Show is the only event that is pulling out all the stops to help you!


It’s evident that cannabis supplements are in huge demand. Due to the current media coverage of CBD, the request for trusted and compliant CBD manufacturers is high.

To attend an event, such as the Pharmacy Show, highlights that Canabidol™ is a reliable source for CBD supplements. 

The event allows for networking and showcasing our products to pharmaceutical professionals, keep an eye out for Canabidol™ in your local pharmacy!

Come and Join Us Pharmacy Show

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