What are you doing in 2018?
Here at Canabidol.com we’re getting ready for what could be the final furlong in a marathon we’ve been running for years. The prize?
A world in which cannabis is respected for the amazingly beneficial, healthy plant it is.
By producing the best quality cannabis extract in the UK we strive daily for change on behalf of the countless people who rely on cannabis for a better life.
And now it’s time to take our team of 15 up a notch or two.
Do you have what it takes to join the most exciting emerging market in the UK? If you think so, read on…

Canabidol.com is one of the UK’s longest-standing online purveyors of top-quality, highly-refined CBD oil, a cannabis extract prized for its health benefits.
But as a company, Canabidol.com is much more than a website. With a stellar reputation for quality; excellent customer service and the vision to take the cannabis industry forward with legitimacy and professionalism, we represent the best of the cannabis market.
We put our customers first by providing the products they need at prices they can afford.
We are a small team of people united by a passion for what we do. While our position as the leading purveyor of cannabis products ensures we can reinvest in our facilities for the growing, extraction, testing and development of our products.
We are motivated by much more than money. Time and time again, we find the positivity of our customers is the key metric by which we measure our success.
As CEO and founder Tom Whettem says, “what makes us different to all the other CBD suppliers, is while they have been investing in sales, we have been investing in our infrastructure.
We are not sales-driven, but driven by passion, a passion for getting things right. That starts with our company, our facilities, our staff and most of all our customers.
Our commitment to excellence at the highest level, is due to our commitment to them, the people we actually do this for.”
Leading the UK’s cannabis revolution, Canabidol™ is at the cutting edge of the constantly evolving, fast-paced and ground-breaking cannabis market, bringing the benefits of cannabis products to millions of grateful customers.
The UK’s largest producer of CBD oil, Canabidol™ combines heartfelt passion with stringent quality control, using the best technology available to ensure every product is a market-beater in every way.
Our operation is involved at every step of the production chain, from farm to shop, and our most recent acquisition of agricultural land in Europe is just the start… the next couple of years will see our growing operations expansion into the UK. Meanwhile, we lead the industry with state-of the art testing facilities and the kind of patient, long-term advocacy that is now yielding tangible change on a governmental level.
After establishing ourselves as the yard-stick for UK CBD supply, we are now looking to 2018 as the year that changes everything for the UK cannabis market.
For a full list of our current vacancies, please click here