CBD Blog
cbd sale

Why wait for Cyber Monday’s, Two for 2 Tuesday’s or Black Friday sales? 

Here’s what is going down – OUR PRICES – for top quality products!

Our new 4TwentyFour™ sale will drop prices every week for 24hrs only, so you’ve got to be quick. 

What better way to celebrate the world’s most useful plant by participating in Canabidol’s 4TwentyFour™ sale. 

From now onward we will be giving away our top-quality products worth up to £70 each for as little as a penny. That INCLUDES FREE SHIPPING!

No haze here, what you see is what you get. No catches. No minimum spend. No bumf.

It’s wild we know, but this is just our way of expressing our appreciation for the almighty cannabis plant – a crop that has nurtured, supported and provided for humanity since time immemorial.

Each sale is limited, so be quick! Follow these 3 steps to ensure you get an unbelievable deal:  

➊ Enable ‘Desktop Notifications’ in browser setting       

          You’ll be happy to see one of these popup 


➋ Ensure you are signed up to our Newsletter

          If you’re not yet signed up, where have you been, click here

➌ Click the ‘Like’ button below to receive promotion notifications  

Amazing prices like these MUST GO and DO, to ensure you have the best chance of securing a deal, make sure all 3 steps above are activated.

Good Luck! 

From the team at Canabidol™

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