CBD Blog

New Product Launch of Legal CBD Cannabis Oil Supplements


Canabidol has just launched its first CBD product, a CBD oil gel tab, which has enabled them to generate their first revenues just in time for 2016.

Cannabis is being legalized throughout the United States thanks to its many scientifically verified health benefits. Meanwhile in the UK, the drug is still considered dangerous because of the ingredient THC, a psychoactive compound. 

CBD, or canabidiol oil, is a close relative of THC without any psychoactive component, making it legal for use in the UK. Canabidol has put this CBD oil into a new gel tab in order to generate their first revenue as a company.

Canabidol’s new product is the first legal CBD hemp oil in the UK. There are other imported CBD oils in circulation, but none conform to all UK legislation regarding the sale of these products. This product is made in the UK and meets all the legislative requirements, guaranteeing safe and speedy delivery every time without consequences.

Canabidol is a CBD supplement that can be purchased without prescription, and what’s more, the new product is the 1st single dose hemp oil supplement to come in a sub-lingual gel-tab for efficient delivery and exact dosage. Other hemp oil products often require self-dosing which means individuals can make mistakes and waste the product.

A spokesperson for Canabidol explained, 

“We are thrilled to be generating our first revenue as a company after spending a long time in research and development creating what we felt would be the ideal supplement. The gel capsules allow for perfect portioning and come in two flavours, strawberry and original, and can be used easily by anyone by following a few simple instructions. 

There is a huge range of information on the benefits of Cannabis oil available online, and to celebrate the launch of the product we are offering a 50% discount code on our homepage for a limited time only, making now the ideal time to purchase the product and give it a try.”

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